Row limitation with pro licensed version

Hello, i’m using Gembox.Spreadsheet (47.0.1398) for .net MVC and i have a pro license. In the doc i saw that there is no limitation if not in free version but when i save my workbook with SaveOptions.XlsDefault i get this error : “Maximum number of rows in XLS file is 65536 and your file uses 66001 rows”.
According to microsoft the total number of rows for a xls document is 1,048,576 rows;
I saw that there is a FileFormatLimitations class but I have no idea on how to use it.

Can you help me please ?
Thank you.

Hi Cara,

The 1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns is a limit for XLSX format, not for XLS format.
The XLS format is limited to 65,536 rows by 256 columns.
So try using SaveOptions.XlsxDefault instead of SaveOptions.XlsDefault.

Note that the Excel specifications and limits is referring to a newer format (the XLSX format) that was introduced in Excel 2007.

I hope this helps, let me know if you need anything else.


Hello, thank you for this answer !
This solved my problem