Hi Team,
I am using version “” and facing some problem after saving the excel file.
Steps to reproduce:
- Created manually one excel file along with some image in first two 5 rows.
- From VB .Net code, loaded the excel file and wrote the data and saved.
After saving, observed the image was removed.
'load data from excel into DataTable
Dim filePath As String = “…\TemplateExcel.xls”
Dim ef As ExcelFile = ExcelFile.Load(filePath)
Dim ws As ExcelWorksheet = ef.Worksheets.FirstOrDefault()
Dim dto As CreateDataTableOptions = New CreateDataTableOptions()
Dim dt As DataTable = ws.CreateDataTable(dto)
Dim dict As Dictionary(Of String, String) = DictionaryForAllDisplayColumns(displayItems)
'Write data to excel
Dim increment As Integer = 0
For Each key As KeyValuePair(Of String, String) In dict
ws.Cells(5, increment).Value = key.Value
For j As Integer = 5 To workData.Rows.Count - 1
ws.Cells(j + 1, increment).Value = workData.Rows(j)(key.Key).ToString()
increment += 1
’ Save thee Excel file which is opened in ExcelFile object to a file
Result before and after save:
Please provide the solution, how to persist the image.