Read contracts from pdf to txt

Hi, I need to read some contract files that can be word documents, pdf documents in text format or pdf document as scanned images, I could read word and text pdf files but how can I read pdf document with scanned pages? I tried the OcrReader but I was unable to convert it to TXT file or string.


Hi Santiago,

Was OcrReader unable to recognize the text in your scanned image, or was there an issue with something else?
Can you please send us your PDF document so we can investigate it?


Sorry is not an issue, what I want to know is how can I read a pdf with text images (scanned pages) and then convert the text to a TXT file. I couldn’t figure out.

Hi Santiago,

Please check the following example:

Note that OCR is supported in GemBox.Pdf, not in GemBox.Document.
You can also find this example on GitHub:

I hope this helps, let me know if you need anything else.
