Pdf export of rotated text in merged range

Hi all,

I have an issue with the export of rotated texts to PDF.

With versions up to, it was OK, but since build 1655 the text is in the incorrect position.

The code to reproduce:

var file = new ExcelFile();
var sheet = file.Worksheets.Add("1");

sheet.Cells["B4"].Value = "Top";
sheet.Cells["B22"].Value = "Bottom";

var range = sheet.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(4, 1, 20, 1);
range.Merged = true;
range.Value = "Some long rotated text in merged cells";
var style = sheet.Cells["B5"].Style;
style.Rotation = 90;
style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignmentStyle.Center;
style.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Center;

var pdfOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();
pdfOptions.SelectionType = SelectionType.EntireFile;
file.Save(@"TestPdfExport.pdf", pdfOptions);

I guess this is a bug right?

Hi Otakar,

Please try again with this NuGet package:

Install-Package GemBox.Spreadsheet -Version 49.0.1797-hotfix

Note that this is a hidden pre-released version, to install it you’ll need to run the above command on the NuGet Package Manager Console (Tools → NuGet Package Manager → Package Manager Console).

Does this solve your issue?


Hi Mario,

I am sorry for late answer, but I was out of office last week…

Yes, with the hotfix the result is OK.

I am looking forward for next “real” version.


Hi Ota,

The new public release was made yesterday so please feel free to use that instead:
