Issue Justify/Auto size correctly content TextField pdf

Hello, I have a problem when completing a text field, I can’t get it to be justified correctly.

My code:

var notesField = sheet.Form.Fields.AddText(fields[code]!.Page!, boundClauAdic.Left, boundClauAdic.Bottom, boundClauAdic.Width, boundClauAdic.Height);
notesField.MultiLine = true;
notesField.ScrollLongText = false;
notesField.Appearance.TextAlignment = PdfTextAlignment.Left;
notesField.Appearance.FontSize = 0;
notesField.Appearance.FontFace = new PdfFontFace("Helvetica");
sheet.Form.NeedAppearances = true;
notesField.Value = replaceItem.Value;

But the interesting thing is that when I open it with Adobe it looks bad but in Google Chrome it looks correct.I attach an example.
In Adobe:

This is the good in chrome:

Hi Martin,

Can you send us your PDF file so that we can investigate this?


Yes I share you the drive link to download the pdf, because I cant upload the file, I dont found the option to share:

If you download the file and open wich Adobe you can see the problem on the last page :frowning:

Hi Martin,

Can you please try again with this NuGet package:

Install-Package GemBox.Pdf -Version 17.0.1552-hotfix

Does this solve your issue?


Thanks !! :grin:
