Failure to read value from PDF table cell - only first non-header row (from the example PDF in the website)

The first value for “Price” in CustomInvoice.pdf (from your examples at /document/examples/c-sharp-read-extract-pdf-text/305 ) is 245.0, see below


But it is not retrieved using the attached code. All other rows are fine, just the first one is not:

Hi Ivan,

The issue occurs because of the Free mode, if you change it to Trial mode then the issue doesn’t occur:

GemBox.Document.ComponentInfo.FreeLimitReached += (sender, e) =>
    e.FreeLimitReachedAction = GemBox.Document.FreeLimitReachedAction.ContinueAsTrial;

This is a bug in GemBox.Document’s PDF reader, it doesn’t correctly impose the limitation of the Free mode.

Nevertheless, as you already know the PDF reader never left the BETA stage, no new bug fixes will be released for it.
