Embed or link to a file in Word


does gembox document support the Embed or link to a file in Word feature? If not is there any workaround? I have found that files can be embedded in a pdf, but they would still not be shown as link in the document itself.


Unfortunately no, GemBox.Document currently doesn’t have API support for embedded objects.

However, note that we do intend to add support for them in the future, but at this moment I cannot say exactly when that will be.
Nevertheless, please feel free to vote for this feature request in order to increase its priority:

Last, note that we prioritize feature request implementations by the number of users requesting them and currently we’re working on some other features that have greater priority.


Thanks for the fast response.

My final goal is to generate a PDF that contains the link to the attachment. Unfortunately I have only little experience with PDF and attachments. Would it be possible to set a link or placeholder in gembox.document, generate a PDF, add the attachments and then modify the links / placeholders in a way that a user can simply click them to open the attachments? It would be no problem if they would be non functional in the docx stage.

Please check the File Attachment Annotations example, with it, you could add a file attachment annotation that’s linked to an embedded file.

For the placeholder, you could add some custom text with GemBox.Document and then search for it with GemBox.Pdf, see the second Reading example. After you find the bounds of the custom text, you can use that position to add the file attachment.

I hope this helps, please let me know if you need anything else.
