C# Unicode characters when converting .docx to .pdf

I’m trying to convert a .docx to a .pdf with the following code:

using (var ms = new MemoryStream(bfile)) // bfile = byte[] (.docx)
    var doc = GemBox.Document.DocumentModel.Load(ms);
    using (var write = new MemoryStream())
        var so = new GemBox.Document.PdfSaveOptions();
        doc.Save(write, so);
        return write.ToArray();

The conversion works except that it removes most of the special characters.


(I’m only allowed to upload one image in this post :frowning: )

I’ve also tried to add an emoji specific font to see if it preserves them with the following line:
doc.Document.DefaultCharacterFormat.FontName = “Segoe UI Emoji”; (default windows font)

The result is even less characters

What else could I try? And is it even possible to preserve these characters with GemBox?
Thank you for your time.

Input file:

First, note that you can send us your input Word document via email or support ticket (see the Contact page).
Or you can upload it somewhere temporarily and post a download location.

Nevertheless, note that GemBox.Document’s rendering engine (which is used when saving to PDF) currently doesn’t support these single ligature glyphs.
