Bold Not being respected

We have a document which is all text/font bold, when we convert it from word to PDF, not all of the bold is kept, any suggestions ?

Hi Wayne,

Please send us your input Word and the resulting output PDF so that we can investigate them.
You can send them via email or support ticket; see the Contact page.


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The document is a secure document, it contains PII, so I am unable to share it.

Please try recreating the problematic content, such as a Word document with random text that uses the same font name and font style.
Try converting that Word document to PDF; if the issue is reproduced, then send us those files.

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I have sent them via the contact page.

There was a strange behavior with this document; the text that’s reproducing the issue is using a style named “Strong” and it is explicitly specifies that it should not be bold:

<w:style w:styleId="Strong">
        <w:b w:val="0"/>

For some reason, Microsoft Word ignores this, but other Word applications do not.
In other words, there is inconsistent behavior for this content.
